Burton Hastings
Copston Magna
Stretton Baskerville


We are grateful to the Revd Terry Colling, for making these magazines available to the Group

A glimpse at life in Wolvey at the end of the 19th century
through the

Wolvey Parish Magazine, 1899

JANUARY, 1899 

With this month's Magazine commences the third year of its issue, and we most heartily wish all our readers "A Very Happy New Year." We are glad to know that the Magazine is very much appreciated, and looked forward to with great pleasure.

It is most important that every house should have a supply of good healthy reading. There is so much cheap but unhealthy reading about in these days that it behoves parents and guardians of children to be most careful as to what their children read  Such a Magazine as the one in circulation in our parish is interesting and instructive, both to young and old.

Whilst speaking of the responsibility of parents and guardians, we should like to mention a most important matter, namely, that of juvenile smoking. It seems, alas! to be on the increase. It is no uncommon thing to see, in our own village, boys of tender years smoking cigarettes—a habit most injurious to their health and well-being. One cause is undoubtedly their cheapness, and another cause is the sending of boys to buy them, by their elder brothers or by their parents. May we ask all parents and all the adult members of a family not to send the children to procure these cheap "smokes," and also to do all in their power to check what is undoubtedly a terrible, and ever-growing evil.

It is a good thing at the beginning of a new year to try and get rid of some bad habit. There is one bad habit in our midst which certainly needs rooting out, namely, that of "Talk.'' The evil results that arise out of the habit of letting the tongue run loose are many and various—e.g., misunderstanding, loss of temper, misrepresentation, condemning of the innocent, bad blood, ill-feeling, &c., &c.

Read what the Holy Book says on the two ways of using the tongue :—

The tongue of the just is as choice silver.

The tongue of the wise is health.

A wholesome tongue is a tree of life.

Whoso keepeth his tongue, keepeth his soul from troubles,

God hateth a lying tongue.

He that hath a perverse tongue falls into mischief.

A lying tongue hateth those afflicted by it.

A liar giveth heed to a haughty tongue.

St. James says, "The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue can no man tame: it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison."

Is it a wonder, then, that the Psalmist prayed, "Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips."

Shall we then each and all earnestly pray that during this year "the words of our lips may be always acceptable in the sight of God, through the help and for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Strength and Redeemer."

Planting of the Diamond Jubilee Tree by Mr R.L.W. Loyd.

Saturday, December 17th, was a, red-letter day in Wolvey, for on that day the wishes of the whole parish as expressed through the elected Committee were carried out, and the result is a credit to the parish.

The Wolvey Diamond Jubilee Permanent Memorial will more than hold its own with that of any other village of its size and population. The central and elevated site, the handsome iron railings, the useful seat all round, the inscription in front, the stately English Oak tree in the centre, and last, but not least, the most useful as well as ornamental lamp, form a memorial really worthy of its object, our beloved Queen.

The procession from the Schools to the site was quite a feature in the day's proceedings. The Village Brass Band, in their very handsome uniform, led the way, followed by about 130 School children. Then came the President, Colonel Loyd, and his son, Mr R. L. W. Loyd, accompanied by the Committee and several well-known and highly popular friends from other parishes, notably our County Councillor, Captain Oliver-Bellasis, Colonel Woolcomb-Adams, J.P., Captain Kenworthy Browne, &c.

We missed the faces of several who were unable to be present, but who sent their good wishes—Mr Till. the Chairman of the Committee, Mr F. N. Newdigate, M.P., Mr J. P. Toone, Mr Lewes, the Revs. J. Eustace, La Grange Leney, T.C.P. Pymont, &c.,&c.

We take this opportunity of saying that there will be a little expense incurred in lighting the lamp, but we feel sure that the lamp has already proved so useful that, when we "take the cap round,'' there will be no difficulty in raising a sufficient sum to meet the expense. One word more. The site has been freely made over to the parish by Colonel Loyd and his son. All that is on the site already belongs to the parish. Mr Gould and the Vicar are constituted Trustees, their chief duty being, we suppose, to see that everything is kept in good order.

Gift of a Parish Bier

Colonel Loyd has most generously offered to provide a bier for the parish. This has been greatly needed, and we offer him our heartiest thanks for another proof of his practical interest in Wolvey and its people.

Parish Register

1898.                                            BAPTISMS.

July 10...     Gladys Gwendoline Queenie, daughter of Harriet Knight Comfort Lynes Dec.11...     Arthur Frederick, son of George Henry and Clara Ann Green.

     1898.                                               BURIALS.

Dec. 22...     Quinney, Bramcote, aged one hour.                                                           Dec. 31...     Morris, aged three hours.


Jan. 2...         Alfred Moore, aged 19 years.

1898.                                                    Collections.                    £   s.   d.

Oct  2   Morning.    Sick and Poor Fund..............................            0  13  2

        2   Evening.    Church Expenses..................................            0   0   0

        23 Morning.                           ..................................           1  18   

        23 Evening.                            ..................................           0  10 

        30 Morning.    Society for the Propagation of the Gospel       0  10 

        30 Evening.                                                                 1   0  

Nov 6   Morning.    Sick and Poor Fund..............................            0 10  10½

        6   Evening.     Church Expenses.................................            0  14   3

        20 Morning.                            ..................................           1  11 

        20 Evening.                             ..................................           0  14 

Dec 4   Morning.     Sick and Poor Fund..............................            0  13 

       4    Evening.     Church Expenses..................................            0  11  0

       18  Morning.                             ..................................           1   3   7

       18  Evening.                              ..................................           0  13  5

       26 In Box.         Sick and Poor Fund..............................            0   6   6


The notice of the Christmas Teas and names of Sunday School prize-winners is held over until next month. Also the notice of the Day School Concert.



The Christmas Teas

Never have we seen such a large gathering for a tea party as that we had on Wednesday, December 28th last. There were quite 150 who sat down to tea in two relays. This large number increased to upwards of 200 after tea. All seemed happy and to be thoroughly enjoying themselves, and this was just what the tea party was intended for, to enable us all to meet together in a sociable and friendly manner, and so get to know one another more, and have a greater interest in each other.


On Thursday, December 29th, the Sunday School scholars had their "innings." There were about eighty children present, and a right royal time they had. A capital tea, both in quality and quantity, games, singing, and reciting, a large and beautifully decorated Christmas tree, lit up with candles, prizes distributed, a present off the tree, an orange each, then good-night.  What child could wish for anything better? We are sure that not only were the children delighted, but also their parents, especially those who took advantage of the invitation to be present after tea.

The Day School Concert.

On Friday, December 16th, Mr and Mrs Seaton gave us a rare treat in the shape of a concert by the children. The way in which the children sang, recited, and acted a little dialogue, was a revelation to most of, if not all those present Both infant and large schoolroom were full of delighted fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters, besides a number of the managers and their families. Whilst great praise is due to the children for the admirable way in which they performed, the greatest credit is due to our justly popular master and mistress. Mr and Mrs Seaton spared no time nor trouble; they set before themselves a very high standard, and, thanks to their untiring efforts, and the children trying their very best to please, we believe that even Mr and Mrs Seaton were themselves thoroughly satisfied, and this is saying a good deal. The proceeds will be devoted to buying prizes for those children, who, by their regular and punctual attendance, and also by their behaviour in School, will be judged to have deserved them.

Amateur Dramatic Entertainment.

On Thursday, Jan. 26, through the kindness of Mr and Mrs Gould and several fiends, we had one of the most enjoyable entertainments that have ever been given in Wolvey. Knowing that our villagers seldom have the chance of seeing some really good theatricals, and at the same time harmless and free from vulgarity, Mr Gould offered to give an evening's performance. No wonder the room was crowded so that several had what are commonly called "Standing up Seats." The two plays, "The Little Sentinel," and the " Phenomenon in a Smock Frock." were full of fun, and caused much merriment. We are deeply indebted to Mr Gould and those ladies and gentlemen, most of whom came from a long distance, for a delightful evening. These are the sort of friends we want, those who will come amongst us and do us good, and make our lives happier and our thoughts and words kinder. Besides the enjoyable evening, the entertainment will add about £5 to the Church Restoration Fund.


We wish to thank all who so kindly sent evergreens, etc., for the decoration of the Church at Christmas, and also all those who helped in the work of decoration, and made the Church look so seasonably pretty.

Choir Supper.

Like all the other Christmas festivities the Annual Choir Supper broke the record of previous years.

The supply of eatables was so generous that not only were the Ringers invited, but another body of Voluntary Church Workers, namely, our Sunday School Teachers. Between forty and fifty sat down to a most bountiful spread. We would heartily acknowledge the ready kindness with which the donors of the Supper responded to the appeal made to them, and to assure them that the Choir, Ringers, and Teachers appreciate the kindness, which enables them to meet together in such a festive manner.


MARCH, 1899.

Names of Sunday School Prize-Winners

Boys : Class I. lst Prize, Percy Rowley, Hy. Bailey, Thos. Smith.  2nd Prize, Joseph York.  3rd Prize, H. G. York, Sid. Thorpe, A. W. Thompson.

           Class II.—Special Prize, A. G. Chamberlain, J. Upton, lst Prize, A. Upton, G. E. Oakes, F.York. 2nd Prize, W. Price, L. Dawes.

           Class III .—lst Prize, J. T. Oakes, W. Dawes. P. W. York.  2nd Prize, F. Moore. 3rd Prize, Thos. Martin.

Girls: Class I.—Special Prize, Lilian Buchall. Hilda Rowley. 1st Prize. B. Moore, M. Allcoatt. 2nd Prize, G. Bark, N. York , Annie Thompson, Alice Thompson.

           Class II. (mixed)—1st Prize, Andrew Oakes, Kate Upton, Emma Allcoatt, Lizzie Dawes, Walter Bark, Emily Oakes. 2nd Prize, Bessie Smith. 3rd Prize, Emily Thompson, Kate Hubbard, Mabel Lord.

Infants.—Special Prize, Walter Oakes. lst Prize, Alice Kenneth, Louis York, Mary Rowley, Maud Price, Emma Rowley, Wm. Allcoatt.   2nd Prize, Sid. Allcoatt. Annie Rowley, Ethel Rowley, Kate Dawes, Alice Rowley.  3rd Prize, Pollie Faulkner, Violet Thorpe, Harrold Lord, Gertie Wright, Emma Trenfield, Eliza Trenfield.

We should like to express our pleasure at the excellent attendance of the children. More prizes were earned and distributed last Christmas than the year before. We are also much gratified at the increased number of children, attending the Sunday School. There is, however, one matter in which we would ask the help of the parents, namely to encourage their children to learn the verse of scripture for each Sunday morning. The texts are specially chosen, and will not tax the children by their length.

We are deeply indebted to the teachers, who, with great unselfishness, attend each Sunday, most, of them, morning and afternoon, throughout the year.


On Monday, Jan. 27th. a very successful Concert was given in the Schoolroom by the P.S.A. attached to the Baptist Chapel. The object was to raise funds towards the extinction of a debt incurred during the work of restoration. Both Mrs. Chas, Elliott and Mrs. A. Bates worked nobly, and were rewarded by crowded audience, and a balance of between £6 and £7.

A notable feature of the Concert was the cordial support given by members of the Church. We most sincerely hope that this friendly feeling between the two Protestant bodies will continue, and increase, and that each will render to the other help and sympathy; whenever the opportunity arises.

The Annual Parish Meeting

was held in the Schoolroom on Monday evening, March 6th. The Rev. H. Beamish was elected Chairman. The following six parochial electors were elected as Parish Councillors by show of hands :—Messrs Alf. Moore. T. Tibbits, J. Till, G. Wright, W. York, and the Rev. W. Bleiben. Mr Coape-Arnold demanded a poll, which will take place on Monday, March 27th, as we understand.

We ask all our friends to give one vote to each of the above. During the past year the name of the Parish Council has been brought into contempt by the action of the late majority. Several merely spiteful things have been attempted, and some carried out. All this because some of our friends have allowed themselves to be influenced by a strong will even against their own convictions.

What we want is a body of independent men who will without fear or favour do all they can to promote the interests of the inhabitants of the parish. The above six candidates pledge themselves, if elected, to act in this manner, and so raise the tone of the Council, that not only the Council, but the parish which elected it, shall be respected by all.

Opening of Sunday School Missionary Boxes

Results will be printed next month.


APRIL, 1899.

Parish Church Restoration.

The work of re-roofing the Nave and the North Aisle will be commenced on Monday, April 10th. During the alterations Divine Service will be held in the Schoolroom. It is hoped that the South Aisle may also have its new roof at the same time, but this depends on the amount of help we receive in the meantime. When we first made an appeal for the work of restoring the Church we asked for a sum of £600, that being the original estimate for the three new roofs. When, however, the Church was thoroughly examined, it was found that a great deal of the wall restoration would have to be done when the old roofs were removed. This means an expenditure of about £1,500.

We now, therefore, most earnestly make a


to all interested in our old Parish Church for help. If all those who have already subscribed will promise a second subscription, and all who have not yet given anything to this much needed work will now do so, the money will be raised and the work completed.

We should like next month to publish a first list of those who will promise to do what they can to make the Lord's House worthy of its Lord.

Looking back during the past, two years and a half to what our parishioners can do when they will, we look confidently forward to what they will do as they can.

Sunday School Missionary Boxes.

The sums collected in the above are as follows ;—boys : Class I, 6/-; Class II, 4/7; Class III , 3/4½; girls: Class I, 5/7; Class II and Infants, 3/1 ; Total, £1 2s. 7½d., being an advance of six shillings on the amount collected the previous year.

Centenary of the Church Missionary Society.

In connection with the above special sermons will be preached on Sunday, April 23rd, and on the following Sunday, April 30th, collections will be made on behalf of the above Society.

In the last week of April a meeting will be held, details of which, and of the above Services, will be printed later on.

Election of Parish Councillors

On Monday, March 27th, the poll for the above was taken, and resulted in the return of five out of the six chosen at the Parish Meeting, viz,, the Rev. W. Bleiben, and Messrs. Tibbit, Till, Wright, and York.   Mr. Coape-Arnold represents the six who failed to secure election by show of hands.

There is now an opportunity to carry on the affairs of the parish in a business-like and dignified manner. Wolvey has had in the past too much "one man." management. Let each member use his freedom and his common sense, and be prepared to give and take, and there is no reason whatever why our parochial matters should not be debated and decided in a friendly and Christian spirit.


The large congregations attending the Services in Church have been most gratifying. We conclude from this that the beautiful simple English Service, composed chiefly from the good old Book and devoutly rendered, still has a strong attraction for English people. There is indeed no Service so scriptural, so simple, and so adapted to Public Worship as that contained in the Prayer Book   We rejoice to see the large numbers of men and women, young men and maidens who so regularly attend Morning and Evening Service, and who so devoutly join in prayer and hymn. May the love of God's House and God's Service bring forth in all the fruit of Christ-like lives, so that we may hereafter be found worthy to enter the Temple made without hands, and join in the prayer and praise around the Throne of God.

Parish Register


                    Jan. 28 —Percy, son of Richard and Mary Ann Johnson,

                    Feb. 18—Thomas William, son of James and Sarah Ann Rowley.

                    Apr. 1—Edith Zilpah, daughter of William and Ann Parker.



                          Jan. 11—Esther Wright, aged 79 years.

                                 19—Sarah Ann Harper, aged 62 years.

                                 24—John Vaus, aged 79 years.

                          Feb. 6—Florence Cheney, aged 4 months.

                                 37—John Lines, aged 79 years.

                                 27—William Wright, aged 70 years.


                                              COLLECTIONS             £   s   d

                             Jan. 1—M. Sick and Poor Fund....    1   2  10

                                          E.   Church Expenses   ....    0  11  10

                                  15—M.              "                 ....    0  10  10

                                          E.               "                 ....    0  10  

                                  29—M.              "                 ....    1  16   0

                                          E.               "                 ....     0  10  0

                            Feb. 5—M. Sick and Poor Fund....     0   7   9

                                          E.  Church Expenses    ....     0  12  0

                                  19—M.              "                 ....     1  15  11

                                          E.               "                 ....     0  16  3

                           Mar. 5—M. Sick and Poor Fund....     1   0   9

                                          E. Church Expenses    ....      0  10 

                                  19—M.              "                ....      1  15  9

                                          E.               "                ....      0  11  0

                           Apr. 2—M. Sick and Poor Fund....      1   7  

                                          E.  Church Expenses   ....      0  13 


Number of Communicants

                                                   Jan.      1...............  21

                                                              15............... 25

                                                   Feb.      5...............   9

                                                               19............... 20

                                                   March   5................ 10


                                                   April     2................ 53


MAY 1899

Parish Church Restoration.

The above work is now in full swing. The whole of the Nave roof has been removed. Two of the principals are undoubtedly the original ones, put in when the Nave was built in the fourteenth century. It is hardly necessary to add they are the worse for wear. The wood on the North aide of the Nave roof was in a deplorable state.   The wonder is, not that the rain fell into the Church, but that the roof itself did not fall in.

*            *             *

We should like to make quite clear what we purpose doing during this year. First to put new oak roofs on the Nave and the North Aisle, the Nave roof to be an open-timbered one, similar to the Chancel roof. Then we hope to be able to scrape and point the whole of the interior of the Nave, the walls under the Tower, and the remaining portion of the North Aisle, and to restore the Wolvey and Astley Monuments. But we need a further sum of quite £200.

*             *              *

It is now two years since we made the first appeal to our parishioners for help. We most gratefully acknowledge their generous response. We now again appeal for the additional sum required. There are two questions which each person should ask, viz. :—First, "Is the work necessary?" Secondly, "If so, have I helped to the utmost of my ability?'' The answer to the first question will undoubtedly be "Yes"; the second question must be answered each one for Himself. We therefore again ask for help from those who have not yet contributed, and also for further help from those who have done so. The generous assistance we have received from friends outside the Parish—especially the noble way in which General Loyd has both worked and given—will, we feel sure, stimulate us who will enjoy the benefits of the work of restoration to still greater efforts.

Church Missionary Centenary

We are very pleased with what our little Parish has done in this matter. The meeting on Tuesday evening, April 25th, was well attended, and a most interesting and, indeed, thrilling address was given by the Rev. R. W. Atkinson, M.A., Vicar of St. John's, Deptford. The collections on Sunday, April 30th, amounted to £2 10s.  We should he glad to receive annual subscriptions from members of the congregation. At present we have not one single subscriber to a Church Missionary Society,  

Mr. McCausland’s Concert.

On Saturday, April 22nd, a Concert was given in the Schoolroom by Mr. McCausland and friends, the proceeds, which amounted to £4 10s., going to help the Church Restoration Fund. A crowded audience was present, which fully appreciated the capital programme provided.   We are most grateful to those ladies and gentlemen who so kindly assisted on the occasion, viz., the Misses E., M., and M. Barr, Churchill, and Timæus, Mrs. Sessions Barrett, and Messrs. Lane and Whitmore.   They admirably acquitted themselves in their several parts, and gave  great delight to the audience. With regard to the part taken by our good friend Mr. McCausland we cannot speak too highly.   We shall not soon forget his very clever performance, and we are greatly indebted to him for a most enjoyable evening, for all the trouble he was put to, and for the very acceptable addition to our Restoration Fund,

*             *           *

P.S.—We see that we have omitted the name of a " Lady " from the list of those who so kindly assisted at the above concert—Miss Spechelle. She certainly aroused not only tremendous enthusiasm, but also great curiosity.   Will Mr. McCausland kindly convey to "her" our best thanks and say we shall be most pleased lo see "her" again.

School Endowment Fund.

The much-discussed question as to whether this endowment was ecclesiastical or not has now been finally settled. Great efforts have been made to prove it non-ecclesiastical: the Charity Commissioners have decided, however, that it is ecclesiastical. If, even then, a School Board should replace the present National Schools, the interest from this fund will not be available towards reducing the rate. It can only be used for a school in which, the principles of the Church of England are taught.   It is not left exclusively for teaching these religious principles, but they are to be taught, in addition to the ordinary subjects of reading. writing, &c.

We need hardly say how pleased we are, not only that the matter is settled, but also with the verdict given, and we feel sure that all fair-minded persons in the parish will rejoice at the result and acknowledge that it is undoubtedly in. accordance with ''Facts,"

Parish Register.

1899.                                         BAPTISMS.

April 9...Henry, son of Samuel and Harriett Dawes,

   9...Minnie Eliza, son of Joseph William and Harriett Taylor.

 11...Kathleen Irene, daughter of William and Elizabeth Bleinben.


*           *           *

On Tuesday, April 11th, our little daughter was baptized by the Rev. E. A, Guest, M.A., of Sutton Maddock, Shropshire . The service was most impressively read, and was considerably brightened by the singing of appropriate hymns by the school-children. Many friends were present, and we have to thank some of them for so tastefully decorating the font.


JUNE, 1899  

Diamond Jubilee Balance Sheet.

                   Dr.                      £    s   d                                    Cr.                   £   s   d

Village Contributions ......... 34 16 11              Provisions, &c., on June

Colonel Loyd .....................  15   3   1                       22nd,1897 ...............   26 16  9

                                                                          Balance ............................   23  3   3

                      Total........... ...£50  0  0                                     Total............£50  0   0


Permanent Memorial Account.

                   Dr.                     £    s    d                                    Cr.                   £   s   d

Balance as above ...............  23  3   3               Tree-guard and Lamp ......    20 0   0

Bank Interest.....................     0 12   6                School Lamp .................       2 10  0

                                                                           Presentation Spade .........      0 10  0

Balance due to Secretary ... £0  15   6               Oak Tree........................        0 15  0

                                                                          Granite and Labour .........      0 16  3

                                            £24 11   3                                                         £24 11  3


Audited and found correct, SIDNEY RIPPIN, May 20th, 1899 .

* This adverse balance has been wiped off by a few friends.

The full balance sheet and vouchers can be seen at the Vicarage until June 30th next, due notice being given.  

Election of Two Managers by Parents.

A meeting of parents for the above purpose was held on Monday, May 1st. Unfortunately, the Chairman misunderstood the Charity Commissioners' decision as to who could and who could not vote. This necessitated a fresh election, which was held on Wednesday, May 24th, and resulted in the return of the two former representatives, Messrs. G. Wright and Walter York.

*          *           *

This result is a strong indication that the bulk of the parents are of opinion that those who refuse to pay the voluntary rate towards the cost of the education of their children should not be elected Managers.  Upwards of £10 a year is being withheld from the School, and chiefly by those who are so desirous of posing as the "friends of the people! ! !"

 *          *          *

What the parents mean to say to these persons by the result of the election is this: “We are very much obliged to you for the very great, anxiety and eagerness you have shown to become Managers of our Schools, but we should much prefer that you would show your interest by “Paying the Voluntary School Rate for the education of our children.” ”

We take this opportunity of explaining our action with regard to the Chairmanship of the Parents' Meeting on the 24th ult. "We have no desire whatever to defraud anyone of their just rights. But there is absolutely nothing said in the scheme as to the election of a Chairman, indeed there are no regulations laid down whatever. Instead of asking the Commissioners to point out the lines on which the election should be conducted, application was made to the Secretary of the National Society.

*          *          *

Our action in taking the chair and conducting the election was a protest against those persons who, whilst refusing to contribute toward the cost of the education of the children, yet do their utmost on every occasion to rule and, govern the School and all connected with it. When these persons contribute their share towards the expenses of the School, we shall then be more inclined to believe in their anxiety for the welfare of the people and the children, and it will then be quite soon enough for them to claim a share in the management of those Schools, the efficiency of which they are now doing their utmost to destroy.

*          *          *

We shall, before the next Parents' election, obtain the advice of the Commissioners in all the matters relating to the election. We hope they will decide in favour of the parents electing their own Chairman. From various events that have happened— e.g., the Parish Council Election— we can fully trust to the practical common-sense of our parishioners, who can easily distinguish between those who are true friends of the people and those who are always talking of their friendship.

Parish Church Restoration Fund.

We have received a further cheque from Colonel Loyd for £54 19s. 6d., collected by him for the above fund. Colonel Loyd has indeed worked hard. He hae written hundreds of letters, and fully deserves all the help we can give him.

We hoped that someone would have responded to our appeal, and have promised us a second donation. As no one else has done so, we will promise a second donation of £10, to be paid by Jan. 1st, 1900.

Now, who will follow on similar lines?

The Jumble Sale.

The weather on May 25th last was too cold for the above Sale to be held in the Vicarage Paddock, so it took place in the Schoolroom.  The result was simply astonishing. We did not expect to reach last year's total, whereas we surpassed it. We have over £14 in hand, and there is more to follow. We are deeply indebted to all those who so kindly contributed bo this grand success, and heartily thank them for their generous support.


"We would express our regret at the departure of Mr and Mrs McCausland from the parish. Unfortunately, Mr McCausland's health necessitated his giving up his position at the Bank. "We shall miss him, for be was always to the front in rendering help, and we wish him God-speed in his new home and fresh undertaking.



The National School .


The report at Her Majesty's Inspector upon the above School for the year ending April 30th last surpasses our utmost expectations; in fact, It would be impossible to receive a more favourable report. The children have earned the highest grant in each subject. This is what Her Majesty's Inspector says :—

MIXED SCHOOL. "The Order is Excellent, and all the Work is Intelligent, and of a Highly Praiseworthy Character."

INFANTS’ CLASS "The Infants' Class is Taught in a Very Bright and Happy Manner, and with Excellent Results,"

There are three things which this report proves, viz. :— First. Our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Seaton, have the gift of teaching. All honour to them for the splendid results they have achieved. We repeat what we have said before, that we wish the parents would sometimes go and see the admirable manner in which their children are taught. Our Master and Mistress deserve the warmest thanks and heartiest sympathy and support in their most useful and successful work.

Secondly. Praise is due to the children for their general good conduct, and for the interest they have taken in their lessons, and to the parents for sending the children regularly and punctually to School. There is still room, however, for improvement in this respect, and parents will be wise in assisting their children to take every opportunity of acquiring the best education they possibly can.

Thirdly. This report proves that the relationship between the Managers and the Master and Mistress are of the most cordial kind, and that the School is being conducted to the greatest advantage of the children.

Bad management would mean had results: therefore, it is of consequence that the Managers should be in touch with the teachers, and show a practical interest in the welfare of the scholars.

It is easy to find fault; it is sometimes an excuse for saving the pocket. The majority of the present Managers speak out plainly if they think there is occasion to do so, but they do not make it an excuse for depriving the School of their financial support.

In face of some most misleading and false statements, we point to the report of Her Majesty's Inspector, and confidently leave it to the fairness and common sense of the parents as to whether they are satisfied or not with the manner in which the majority of the Managers conduct the School,

The Schools close on Friday, July 7th, for three weeks' holiday. Will parents kindly see that every child is present in School on Monday, July 31st, when the School will re-open?

Prizes are now given for regular attendance and for proficiency.

Death of Mr John Birchall

It is with the profoundest grief that we have to record the death of our valued and loyal friend, John Birchall. From the first day we came to the Parish, more than three years ago, he has been one of our most useful and trustworthy helpers. We shall sadly miss him in the Church, which he so loved, and of which he remained a faithful son during most adverse and cloudy times. As Churchwarden, as Sidesman, as a member of the Choir, he rendered most valuable assistance.

A peaceful, kind, loving man, there was no one more respected in the village than he whose loss we mourn. Letters of sympathy and admiration for him have been received by members of his family from Mr. Newdigate, M.P., Captain Oliver-Bellasis, C.C., and many others.

To all the members of his family we offer our deepest sympathy, praying that they may follow in his steps, trust in the same Saviour, and at last meet in the Heavenly Father's Home, where

Father, sister, child, and mother

Meet once more.

We would record that John Birchall died in the pure Protestant Faith of the Church of England, trusting simply and solely in the merits and mediation of the Saviour of the World.

Parish Register.

     1899.                                            BAPTISM.

May 26—Reginald Hedley, son of Francis Hedley and Helen de vere Seaton.

      1899.                                            BURIALS.

                                   May 30—Joseph York, aged 27 years.

                                           30—Reginald Hedley Seaton, aged 24 days

                                   June 23—John Birchall, aged 60 years.

                                                   Collections.                      £  s, d,

April 16—M., Church Expenses .......................... 0 18 5

                                 E.,                             .........................  0 12 1

                   May    7M., S. and P. F....................................   0  9  6

                                        E.,  Church Expenses .........................  0 12 7½

                                21—M.,                            .........................  1  7  8

              E.,                           ..........................  0  7  6

                       June    4—M., S. and P. P. ...................................  0 10 6

                                        E., Church Expenses .........................   0  9 

                                18—M.,                          ...........................  1 12 3

                                        E.,                          ...........................  0  8  3    

                      July     2—M., S. and P. F.  .................................  0 10  6

                                        E., Church Expenses...........................  0  8  6




AUGUST, 1899.

An Interesting Event.

On Thursday, July 13th, the Sunday School Teachers of our forms parish, Erdington, came to Wolvey for their annual Excursion. The party, numbered between thirty and forty, accompanied by the Rev. F. S. Swindell, Vicar, was met at Hinckley Station and conveyed to Wolvey in breaks. All were delighted with the pretty village and our beautiful old Church, It is very interesting to know that about six hundred years ago there was a very happy connection between Wolvey and Erdington, Joan, daughter of Sir Thomas de Wolvey and his wife, married Sir Henry de Erdington, as recorded on the Wolvey tomb in the Church.

Now it is a curious coincidence that the Sunday School Teachers last month came to Wolvey for their annual Excursion, and the Sunday School scholars on July 28th went to Erdington Hall for their annual Treat.

The original Hall was granted to Sir Henry de Erdenton by King Henry II., and was a place of considerable size and strength, surrounded by a double moat. The tombs of the Erdenton family are in the Parish Church of Aston, where we served as Curate for two years.

Warwickshire Agricultural Show.


We most heartily congratulate John Wright, jun., on obtaining a second prize in one class and on being highly commended in another in the horse-shoeing competition at Leamington . This double success not only reflects great credit on John Wright, but. also brings honour to the village.


We have also to congratulate Messrs, G. Beale and J. Cox (Copson Lodge) on obtaining prizes for lambs at the Monks Kirby Show, and Mr. C. Elliott on obtaining a second prize for a foal.


We feel quite proud of our Village, which can turn out such a roll of prize-winners, and we hope these successes will encourage others to try and do likewise.

The Voluntary Rate.

At the Managers' Meeting held on May 27th last it was unanimously resolved that a Voluntary Rate of 3d. in the £ be levied and collected by September 1st. Now amongst the many mis-statements made with regard to our Schools, we are told that the Voluntary Bate is to pay for teaching the doctrines of the Church of England. This is absolutely false. Not one penny is spent for such a purpose; the whole of the amount collected goes towards the ordinary expenses of the School, e.g., lighting, cleaning, salaries, &c., &c. We therefore appeal to our Protestant friends not to be deluded either by false statements or base insinuations. Some people have so much gall and bitterness in their hearts that they not only abstain from doing good and righteous acts themselves, but do all they can, by fair means or foul, to prevent others from acting uprightly.

We therefore confidently appeal to all reasonable and right-minded ratepayers to pay their Voluntary Rate. and thus be identified with a School, which is one of the most important institutions in the village, as well as being one of the best in the neighbourhood.



Sunday School Treat.

For the fourth time the Scholars attending our Sunday Schools, were invited by Mr. and Mrs. Till to hold their annual treat in the beautiful Park and Grounds of Leicester Grange.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, two waggons, each drawn by a pair of horses, drew up at the top of Church Lane , where the children "embarked," having previously met at the Schools. Headed by our Band in their handsome uniforms, a start was made, and with music playing, flags flying, and sun shining we passed through the Village, parents and friends turning out in large numbers to see the start.

A thoroughly enjoyable time was spent by all. Mr. and. Mrs. Till had most thoughtfully and kindly invited the Burton Hastings School children, so that what with Scholars, Teachers, and Friends, there were considerably over a hundred present.

No expense nor trouble had been spared by our generous host and hostess in anything which could in any way contribute to the enjoyment; of those present.

A large balloon, in. the shape of an elephant, was sent up soon after tea, and, naturally, when we saw it disappear high up above our heads, we thought we had seen the last of it.

But no! That elephant was not at all anxious to leave such good quarters and cheerful company, so, to our astonishment, about half-past six it rode gaily into our midst, round the neck of George Rowley!!!

We carefully examined it, and with the exception of a lost leg, he seemed none the worse for his aerial trip, and offered no objection to a second voyage. So up we sent him again, and this time he did not return. Perhaps he has lost his way, and is still going. If anyone finds him, please treat him kindly, he is a rare good fellow.

The usual visit was paid to Mrs. Till in a tent by each child, which meant a very handsome present. Races were then the order of the day, and in addition to prizes provided for our own Sunday School by ourselves, Mr. and Mrs. Till had got a large hamper full of all sorts of toys, so that no child could go away without at least two presents, and many had even more. Our heartiest thanks are due to our esteemed friends who invited us to their beautiful home, and who so lavishly provided all with such a number and such a variety of good things. The band played a very pleasing selection of pieces during the afternoon and evening. Each time we hear the members play, we notice a great improvement. Unfortunately the rain which had been threatening some time, overtook us before we reached home, and most, if not all, got very wet. We trust, however, that no one was the worse for it.

Harvest festival.

The Annual Services will be held on Sunday, September 24th next, Morning, 11 o'clock ; Afternoon, 3 o'clock ; and Evening, 6-30.

The Services will have to be held in the Schoolroom, and we would ask all our friends to kindly send on the previous Saturday morning, gifts of flowers, fruit, bread, vegetables, &c., and also come to the Services and contribute generously as they have done in former years to the very useful and necessary Sunday School Fund, on behalf of which the offertories will be given.

Distribution of Day School Prizes.

We hope to arrange an early date for the distribution of these prizes. In talking the matter over with Mr. and Mrs. Sexton soon after the School concert, we decided that it would be wiser to defer the distribution until later on, as it was very awkward for many of the parents to leave work during the long light evenings.

The Evening Classes.

Mr. and Mrs. Sexton are making arrangements for a tea and distribution of prizes in connection with the above, full particulars of which will shortly be announced.



Harvest Festival

The Thanksgiving Services for the safe ingathering of the fruits of the earth were held on Sunday, Sept. 24th.

The preacher at the Morning Service was the Rev. A. L. Matson, of Withybrook, who preached a most interesting and instructive sermon.

All the Services were well attended, and the offerings both in money and in kind well up to the high standard our Churchpeople have set themselves.

Great credit is due to those ladies who so prettily and tastefully decorated the Schoolroom, Our best thanks are due to them, and to each and all who contributed in any way to the successful Services.

The total sum realised was £10 2s.

Evening School Tea.

On Saturday evening, Sept. 30th, upwards of fifty scholars and friends sat down to tea in the Infant Schoolroom, the occasion being the Annual Prize Distribution. Amongst those present being the Vicar and Mrs. Bleiben, Mrs. Coape-Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Seaton, Mrs. Rippon, Mrs. Harrison, Miss Hobill, Miss Bill, and Mr. W. Malin.

At 7 o'clock p.m., Mr. Coape-Arnold, Chairman of the Evening School Committee, presided, and after a short programme of songs and recitations, distributed the prizes to those who had made the necessary number of attendances. Mr. Malin proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Coape-Arnold, and the Rev. W. Bleiben, in seconding the vote, expressed a hope that the coming session would be at least as successful as the last one. He said the chief object of the evening classes was to train the mind, so that when, for instance, they were reading a book or a newspaper, they would be able not merely to read the words, but understand something of what they read. Just as the body needed physical exercise and training, so the mind needed mental training, in order that their lives might become more useful, and that they might be able to do the work in which they were engaged with intelligence.

The classes commence the session on Tuesday evening, Oct. 10th, at 7-15 p.m.

National School Prize Distribution

On Friday afternoon, Oct. 6th, parents and friends were invited to be present at the first prize distribution in the National Schools, Prizes were given for regular attendance and proficiency,

The Vicar (Chairman of the Managers), presided, and remarked that be was one of those who believed in prizes. All, young and old, need encouragement, and this was one of the best ways in which they could encourage the children to attend regularly, and strive to progress. Besides, it gave them an opportunity of putting into the homes of the children good healthy reading. He paid a tribute to the excellent qualities of Mr. and Mrs. Seaton, and asked the parents to show the appreciation which he knew they felt, by sending their children more regularly to School. Mrs. Bleiben then distributed the prizes to the infants, and the Vicar to the Mixed School. The following are the names of the prize-winners :—




Special Prize— Maggie Morton, who has made every attendance,

First Prize

White, Albert

Morton, Wilfred

Oakes Walter         

York, Ralph       

Allcoatt, Willie

Moore, Grace             .

Rowley, Ethel

Rowley, Mary

Second Prize

Malin, Joseph

Allcoatt, Arthur

Oakey, Willie

Cheeney, Christopher

Allcoatt, Sidney

Cox, George

Cooke, Albert

Carter, Albert

York, Gertie

Elliott, Margaret

Wright, Gertie

Malin, May

Oakey, Gertie

Dawes, Kate

Thorpe, Violet

Turner, Harriett

Moore, Kate

Knight, Beatrice


First Prize

Allcoatt, Cyprian

York, Louis

York, Leonard

Lord, Harold

Oakes, Andrew

Rowley, Alice

Elliott, Ethel

Moore, Ada     

Bayliss, Emma

Wright, Annie

Hutt, Maude

Second Prize

Malin, Edgar

Clarke, Ernest

Harrison, Wm.

Moore, Fred

Elliott, Frank

Malin, Tom

Martin, Tom

Price, Wm.

Upton, Albert

Allcoatt, Jos.

Upton, Wm.

Upton, James

Elliott, George

Bark, Walter

Allcoatt, Emily

Lines, Ada

Rowley, Maria

York, Hilda

York, Ellen

Rowley, Annie

Kennett, Alice

Godfrey, Emma

Rowley, Sarah

Rowley, Emma

Bayliss, Jane

Moore, Annie


Standard I.      —Lord, Harold

      "               —Rowley, Sarah

      "        II.    —Oakes, Andrew

      "               —Oakey, Rita

Standard III .        —York, Leonard

      "                    —Dawes, Lizzie

      "        IV.       —Elliott, George

      "                    —Allcoatt, Emily

Standard VI     —Upton, James



Class I.    —Knight, Beatrice

    "          —Oakes, Walter

Class II.     —Cheeney, Christopher

     "            —Cheeney, Hilda

Class III .     —Cox, George

                                                   "           —Wright, Gertie

Church Restoration Fund

The Allowing additional sums have been paid or promised :—

                                                                                                  £   s.  d.

                                Mr. Till (2nd donation) .......................... 10  0  0

                                C.C.     ..................................................    0 10  0

                               Alice Kennett (Box)  ..............................    0 10  1

                               Miss Birchall (Box) ..............................    0  7   9

We again earnestly appeal to all our readers to help in this great work. If you cannot give a subscription, you can take a box, and in the course of a few months, the half-pennies and pennies will amount to quite a large sum. We still need about £200.



British and Foreign Bible Society.

The Annual Meeting of the Wolvey Branch of the above Society was held in the Baptist Schoolroom on Wednesday evening, October 18th.

The Vicar took the chair. After the opening Service, the Treasurer, Rev. H. Beamish, read the report, which gave ample proof of the practical interest taken in the Society by the parish.

The Chairman then introduced the Deputation, the Rev. H, C. Moor, M.A., who gave a most interesting address, his subject being "From St. Petersburg to Monkden with the Bible Society." The address was illustrated by a large number of splendid lantern slides, which were thrown upon the sheet by the Vicar.

Both the attendance and the collection were well up to the average.

Mrs. Cox, of Copson Lodge, kindly officiated at the Harmonium.

Church Restoration Fund.

                                                                                                             £  s. d.

                            Dr. A. Paget Evans, J.P. (Erdington) ..........              2 0 0

Lord Bishop of Worcester (1st Subscription)                      10 0 0

We have still left boxes and cards, which we hope some of our readers will apply for. Do not be afraid lest you should only collect a little. We need all the littles. What family has received some great mercy or blessing from God this year? It may be in, the splendid harvest, the grand summer weather, recovery from illness, escape from danger. Now we ask God to enable us to thank Him "not only with our lips, but in our lives." True gratitude—thankfulness—must and will show itself in some act. We would suggest that a very practical way is open to all who have not either subscribed to the Restoration Fund, or have not done so to the best of their ability, and yet have some mercy or blessing to thank God for, viz., doing their very utmost to make God's House worthy of its Name.

We should like to raise £100 more amongst us, towards this we have £23. How many will promise from £1 to £5? How many from 10/- and upwards? How many from 1/- and upwards?


We are sure our readers will be pleased to know that Copston Lodge is again inhabited, and this pleasure will be all the greater because they are old Wolvey friends who are coming back to reside there. Mr. John Cox is taking up his abode in his old home to manage the Copston Lodge Farm, and we shall doubtless see the faces of Mr. and Mrs. Cox in our midst more frequently than of late years.


Our readers will, we are sure, join in offering to Mr. Gould their deepest sympathy in the trouble through which he has recently passed in the death of his brother Mr. Nutcombe Gould. Mr. Nutcombe Gould was an actor of repute, greatly respected by a large circle of friends, a man who in a difficult calling, had yet so lived, that he could at the last face death with a calm and quiet spirit, looking forward in sure and certain hope to the resurrection to eternal life.

Parish Register.


1899. Sept. 25...Joseph Faulkner to Clara Hyde.



     1899.  July 9...John William, son of John and Mary Elizabeth Wright.

                      9...Ada Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary Elizabeth Wright.

                      9...May Lilian, daughter of Samuel and Emily Russell.

                      9...Frank Thomas, son of Joseph and Sarah Ann Pearson.

                      9...Elsie Mary, daughter of William and Mary Elizabeth Cheney.    

             Sept. 17...Fanny, daughter of Samuel and Harriet Elizabeth Dawes.

                 ,,   17...William Thomas, son of William and Alice Bark,


  Collections.                                     £  s  d

                                July  9...M. National Schools ...........................  2 8  0

       9...A.                            ..........................  0 10 8

       9...E.                            .........................   1 18  4

     23...M. Church Expenses..........................   1  5  0

      23...E.                          ...........................   0 10 7

Aug. 6...M.  S. and P.F.   .................................  0 10  6

       6...E.   Church Expenses  ......................... 0 11 10½

      20...M.                           ..........................  1  4 

       20...E.                           ..........................  0  7  8

Sept. 3...M.  S. and P.F. .................................    1  2 

       3...E.   Church Expenses.........................     0 18  1

     17...M.                            ..........................  1  6  9

     17...E.                     ...........................         0  9 

     24...M. Sunday Schools .........................     2 10  9

      24...A.                          ...........................  0 14  0

      24...E.                         ...........................   1 19  3

Oct.   1...M.  S. and P.F. ................................    0  3  8

         l...E.  Church Expenses........................... 0  7

      16...M.                    ...........................        1 11

      15...E.                     ..........................         0 10 6½




Death of Mr. George Upton.

It is with the deepest sorrow that we have to record the death of George Upton, Parish Clerk and Sexton, at the early age of 41 years, after a very short illness. The blow was all the more severe and unexpected, as, but a few days before his death, he seemed to have a decided change for the better.

He will be greatly missed in the parish by all. He held an honourable position in the Oddfellows, and gave much time and attention to its local details. A thoroughly loyal member of the Church, as his grandfather was before him, an enthusiastic member of the Choir, we have lost a good friend and faithful servant, whom we could ill afford to lose, and whose bright genial face we shall sadly miss.

But, he will be missed most of all by the loving helpmate, who is left behind to mourn his loss. To her, we offer our sympathy, and commend her to her God, who can and will more than make up for that which he has taken away.

We rejoice to know that George Upton died in the only true faith that can give peace at the last, trusting in Jesus Christ, and Him only, for pardon and salvation.

Men’s Bible Class.

The Annual Tea and Prize Distribution took place in the Schools on Saturday, November 25th.

About fifty members and friends sat down to tea, after which a capital programme of songs, recitations, &c, was gone through. Mr. Seaton sang "The Soldiers of the Queen," and the Vicar sang "The Boys of the Old Brigade," the chorus of each being taken up in a thoroughly English manner.

Mrs. Seaton recited in a most impressive style, Rudyard Kipling's, "The Absent-minded Beggar." Other friends assisting were Miss Rose, Mr and Mrs Bates, Miss Powell, Mrs Bleiben, Mr Joseph Thorpe, James Upton and Mr W. Bailey.

During the interval, the Vicar distributed the prizes, which consisted of ten specials, nine firsts, four seconds, and one third. The Vicar congratulated the members on their splendid attendance, and also on their choice of books. He trusted they would all be spared to meet again as a class next year, in the restored Church.

N.B.—Owing to the work of restoration going on in the Church, the Men's Bible Class could not meet this winter. The Vicar has, therefore, started a Young Men's Class, which meets in the Schoolroom on each Sunday afternoon at 2-45.

The Parish Bier

It will be remembered that Colonel Loyd, hearing that a parish bier was greatly needed, most generously offered to provide one. This has now been done, and a most useful carriage has been made under the direction of Mr S. Rose, which can be either pushed by hand, or drawn by a horse.

The bier is for the convenience of all the parishioners, without distinction of party or sect. A small charge of sixpence will be made, to pay for cleaning and necessary repairs.

Application for its use should be made to the Vicar.

Restoration of the Church

Up till a short time ago, we were afraid that we should only be able to restore the nave and North aisle, and have to leave the South aisle in its defective state of ugliness.

We have the greatest pleasure now in announcing that arrangements have been made, by which the work of restoring the South aisle will now follow that of the nave and North aisle. Although this means we must use the Schoolroom for a longer period, yet we do not think anyone will complain, seeing that when we return to the Church, we shall no longer have the cold, bare, whitewashed walls and ceilings all around and above.

Church Restoration Fund

This fund, very slowly, but still surely, keeps increasing each month, and there is still scope for fresh and renewed efforts on the part of all to raise the sum still needed.

We have been looking at the subscriptions in the back numbers of the Magazine, and in comparing them with the account book and Bank Pass Book, we were as surprised as grieved to find that a number of subscribers have not been acknowledged in the Magazine. We are very sorry at this omission, and we do most heartily apologise to all those who have so kindly assisted us, but whose names we have omitted to mention. We need not say that the omission has been unintentional. We are only sorry that someone of our friends did not do us the kindness of pointing out our mistake. Below we give the list of those whose names have not been published, as far as we can trace them. If there should still be any subscriber whose name has not been printed in the Magazine, please do us the favour of informing us.


                                                                                 £   s. d.

Mr H. T. Flint, Erdington ..................................       6  0  0

Mr Thos. Ancolt, Hinckley ................................     1  1  0

Mrs Cooper, Birmingham ..................................... 1  1  0

Lady Page-Turner, Brighton ..............................       5  0  0

Mrs Swinnerton, Burton-on-Trent ......................... 1  0  0

Mr and Mrs T. Hobill ......................................         0 10 0

Miss Bishop ...................................................           2  0  0

Miss A. M. Winterton, Sheffield ...........................   1  0  0

Mr and Mrs Seaton .........................................          1  1  0

Messrs. Swain and Thos. Rose..............................    1  1  0

Mr and Mrs Stratford and family (per Miss Rose) ... 0 5  0

Collected by above                                  do.        ...   0 10 0

Mrs Bird                                                  do.        ...   0  2  6

Mrs Harper (the late)                               do.        ...   0  2  6

Miss Rose (box)...............................................          0 10 0

Colonel Loyd ....................................................       52 10 0

Collected by Colonal Loyd .................................   178 18 0

Lillie Birchell (box) ..........................................        0 15  3

Mrs Bark (box) ............................................              0  5  1

Wilfred Bleiben (box) .....................................          0  5  6

Sale of Work.. ................................................          10  0  0

Concert (per Mr W. G. Melumland) ...................      4  10  0

Mr C. Farndon ...............................................            1   1  0

Jocelyn Loyd .................................................            0   2  0

EntertainmentMr Gould and Friends ..................   5   9  6

Willie Price (box) .............................................        0 15  0

A Friend............................. ..........................             0   2  6


                               RECENT CONTRIBUTIONS.                £. s. d.

A Friend.........................................................             0 10 0        I

The Bishop of Worcester (1st Subs.) .................... 10 0  0        


Services on Christmas Day, Monday, Dec. 25th.

Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 o'clock .

Celebration of the Holy Communion, 12 noon .

Afternoon Evening Prayer and Sermon, 3 o'clock .

Afterwards distribution of bread to those attending the Sermon,

N.B.—In consequence of the Church being closed for restoration, the sermon in connection with the Jacques' Charity on Christmas Day will be delivered in the Schoolroom.

Parish Register.


Nov. —...George Harrison, aged 80 years.

    10...George Upton, aged 41 years.

       13...Joan Thompson, aged 62 years.

Dec, 4...Sarah Cashmore, aged 78 years.

     6...Joseph Wyles, aged 33 years.

Binding of the Magazine.

The year's numbers of this Magazine can be bound in a neatly designed cover for 1/3, if left at the Rectory with the money before the 31st January.  


[1898] [1899] [1900]